A huge embarresement today as I was driving through Blairgowrie. It really is a badly signposted town and I missed the turn of to Dundee so I went up a side alley and came back down the main street and turned left into what I thought was the right road. Half down and there is loads of traffic coming the opposite direction flashing lights and tooting horns at me. Peoples contorted faces and manic gestures made me realise I was going the wrong way down a one way street!! I tried to reverse into this garage driveway but a bloody woman driver was coming out of it so I was sandwiched blocking the road. Eventually after much manouevering I managed to get going and high-tail it out of the damn place.  


The legendary PS nights have been going since 1998 when a group of guys(no girls aloud) congregated at Jags pad to play Striker and Quake 3. Since then the membership has diminished until only 2 members still turn up, Jag and Colin. We religiously play PES ? and various other games until 4am, a night full of hilarity, yapping, drinking and comradship. I asked Colin when he thought these PS nights would end and he replied "when one of us dies!"


I've always been fascinated by those old tales of Bigfoot,The Yeti & The Loch ness Monster etc and even the more modern ones like The Beast of Boddin still hold my intrest and I always thought I'd be a great big brave soul who would fight one of these monsters in a heated battle to the death. Well at St.Brides Ring today as the sun was fading I had my chance when this thing appeared in the trees about 40 yards from I was exploring. At first I thought it was a Buzzards nest or something so went to investigate. As I got to within 20 feet the thing bloody well moved and shrieked at me. I shat a big one I can tell you and I ran like a Thompsons Gazelle through the woods. It was like a typical horror movie cliche when I got back to the car, the door was locked, I was fumbling for the keys, then the damned ignition wouldn't start and then I wheel span for what seemed like ages before I eventually got moving. As relief flooded over me and I started to relax did my mobile phone not go off with the thumping drum intro from 'Lust For Life' by Iggy Pop giving me a real fright. Jeezo and Hells' Teeth man, I ain't going back there again.